Info- und Film Abend zum Abtreibungs Verbot in Irland

Es findet am Dienstag, 23. April, von 19.30 bis 22.00 ein Info- und Film Abend zum Abtreibungs Verbot in Irland, in k- fe­tisch, wil­den­bruch­stra­ße 86, 12045 Ber­lin. Der Abend wird organisiert von Berlin Irish Pro-Choice Solidarity. Hier das facebook event.

Info Abend, k-fetisch, berlin, neukölln, abtreibung, infoabend, filmabend, film, frauen, feminismus
Info zur Sprache: Der Abend findet auf deutsch und englisch statt. Die Filme sind auf Englisch.
Info on language: The evening will be in german and english. The films show will be in English.


1. Info zur Geschichte der Menschenrechte von Frauen und Trans*Männer in Irland, im Bezug auf ihre sexuellen und reproduktiven Rechte.

2. Film: Like A Ship In the Night. Ein Film von Melissa Thompson.

3. Info zur Youth Defence und die pro-choice Bewegung in Irland in 2012.

Youth Defence:

Youth Defence, Youth Defense, ireland, abortion, pro-choice, youth defence organization, life house

Youth Defence, Youth Defense, ireland, abortion, pro-choice, youth defence organization, life house

Pro-Choice Aktivismus:


Credit: Informatique, on Flickr under Creative Commons 2.0

notjustawhiteissue, abortion, ireland, pro-choice, berlin, dublin

4. Film: X is for Anonymous (X steht für Anonym)

Ein Film von Heather Browning, Rosi Leonard and Kerry Guinan, gedreht im Sommer 2012 über den aktuellen Stand beim Abtreibungsrecht in Irland, 20 Jahren nach dem X Fall.

5. Info: Der Tod von Savita Halappanavar

Die daraus resultierende Proteste und die Verzögerung der irische Regierung, die Gesetze zu klären b.z.w. erlassen.
savita, abtreibungsrecht, abtreibung, abortion, pro choice, ireland, berlin

6. Fragen. Aktion. Was jetzt? Unterstützung? Solidarität?

Fragen? maebh (at) youreonlymassive (dot) com

Midi Grrrl is Pro-Choice!

The image below my contribution to a video being made to promote pro-choice visibility in Ireland and remove some of the stigma around the phrase.

Midi Grrrl Pro Choice Abortion Reproductive Rights Ireland

Midi Grrrl Is Pro-Choice. Photo by Shai Levy. All rights reserved.

Midi Grrrl Set by Shai Levy

It’s about time it is made clear that being pro-choice is not about being pro-abortion, but about enabling women* to make our own decisions about our own bodies and healthcare. It’s so sad that it took the tragic and completely preventable death of Savita Halappanavar to make this a widely talked about topic, but it’s also wonderful that so many people in Ireland are becoming more radical and taking steps to safeguard their health and the health of their sisters, daughters, wives, cousins and friends!

If you are interested in being in the video, mail them at [email protected] with an image of yourself and the words “I’m pro-choice” on the image. They can be photographs, drawings or mixture between both but should be of decent size so they can be added to the video, which is 16:9 and HD. The deadline is today! Do it, make your own image and raise pro-choice visibility in Ireland!