
Personal Statement:

“The first desire is the desire to belong. Man is characterized by competition and carnage yes. But also by generosity and empathy. It is very important that you realize you can do whatever You want. We want to give you free reign to the impulses repressed by education, religion, parenting and capitalism. Allow the barriers to fall. Step away from narcissism and allow your body to fall back into the outstretched hands of the crowd.

Transmissja, Krakow, Poland

Concert: Transsmisja, Krakow, Poland. Credit: Joanna Gontkiewicz. 2012

Potsdam Localize Festival Bibliothek 2010 You're Only Massive music

Localize Festival, Potsdam. 2010

Vernissage, Berlin Neukoelln, Brewery, Art Gallery, Opening, Live, Concert, Music, Band, Synth, hip-hop, irish music, berlin

Vernissage, Berlin Neukoelln. 2009

Hands In Air Epidemic Dublin Joy Gallery

Joy Gallery, Dublin, Ireland. 2008.

Joy Gallery Dublin Live Concert Music You're Only Massive band local crowdsurfing stagediving

Joy Gallery, Dublin, 2008. Photo Credit: KDamo.

Note: This page is currently a works-in-progress, with new photos being added. Please get in touch with us if you have taken a photo and want a specific or different credit or have a higher-res version of your work.